City of Kingston Investment Operating Grant The Kingston Regional Heritage Fair was one of the recipients of the City of Kingston’s Heritage Fund. Heather Montague, Chair of the Kingston Fair, attended the presentation at the Military Communications and Electronics Museum on January 13, 2020 and accepted a cheque on behalf of the Fair from Mayor Bryan Paterson. The Kingston Regional Heritage Fair Committee will proudly celebrate its 25th Fair this year on Friday, May 14th at McArthur Hall, Queen’s University Faculty of Education. This year’s grant from the City is greatly appreciated and will help the KRHF achieve its goals to empower Kingston’s future citizens to learn about local and Canadian stories that inspire them. Kingston students research, display, and proudly share our heritage with their peers, community adjudicators and the public at large. Winners of the Fair act as community ambassadors as they share their knowledge and pride of their community at an annual Provincial Fair. KRHF collaborates with a wide variety of heritage organizations, historians, and community/educational initiatives to develop and coordinate creative hands-on workshops for students and teachers before and at the Fair. The Fair connects the educational community and heritage communities in one multifaceted historical and cultural experience. Local English and French public, private, indigenous and home school students engage with museums and local heritage groups through interactive free workshops and cultural activities. These workshops educate participants on the heritage of various local cultural groups, historical events in Kingston, and historical processes such as scholarly research, archivism, curatorship and documentary production.
LA FÊTE RÉGIONALE: le 9 mai 2025