Byron Stevenson (Instructional Leader – Toronto District School Board – West Region) has shared a new website created by the Ontario Elementary Social Studies Teachers Association (OESSTA). “OESSTA (Ontario Elementary Social Studies Teachers Association) is composed of teachers and educators from public and Catholic School Boards, private institutions and faculties of education. We have members from different regions in the province. Our goal is to support educators who teach Social Studies (grades 1-6) and Geography and History (grades 7&8).”“The resources on the OESSTA webpage are designed to support job-embedded professional learning for teachers using evidence–based instructional strategies and practices that improve student achievement and support the development of informed citizens (e.g. problem-based global learning, higher order thinking skills, communication, use of disciplinary thinking, spatial skills.)The webpage is:A site where educators can connect with colleagues who have similar interests, challenges and/or questions about the implementation of the Ontario Social Studies/History/Geography Curriculum.A site where educators can share ideas, resources and/or ask questions about SSHG document.A site where educators can exchange ideas and suggestions regarding planning, implementation and assessment of the Ontario curriculum.”I encourage you to visit this excellent new resource at:
LA FÊTE RÉGIONALE: le 9 mai 2025